Not a friend of mine, but Nick Walker is right

Awhile back I had a falling out with Nick Walker – of whom Mitchell talks in his latest blog entry. It surrounded Walker’s assertion that Hilary Clinton had attacked us, and he refused to provide a link, insisting that we search for it ourselves. I didn’t accept that and he flipped the bird at me. I flipped it right back for being so obstructive to information. I consequently found out that Hilary had been misrepresented.

Anyway – Mitchell is bitching again because Walker is trying to short circuit an apparent documentary against the so called neurodiversity movement (this is the only use Mitchell has for neurodiversity so I assume that’s what he means) by advising everyone to refuse to participate. The docu is the brainchild of those two haters of Steve Silbermen – John Donvan and Carrie Zucker. In their book they dissed Ari Ne’eman, and of course Mitchell loved that.

But what got Mitchell cut was Walker’s rightful comment thus;

Individuals and organizations that speak of autism as a “disease” or “tragedy,” and that talk of “curing” it, should be prosecuted for hate speech and incitement to violence, just as if they were advocating a “Final Solution to the Jewish Problem”

Mitchell admitted he was one of these people and doesn’t like being labeled a criminal. Well too bad! Because Walker’s right! It IS hate speech! Incitement to violence? Well that’s a circumstantial point only – as in that would only work in certain circumstances. Plain and simple – it is NOT a disease, it is a difference! It’s only a tragedy if you allow it to be – and that’s what Mitchell has done. And cure? That’s eugenic elimination right off the bat! That’s why the comparison to the so-called “Jewish Problem” (read: what the Nazis did to them) is valid! Mitchell claims to be Jewish – first I’ve heard of that – and take offence to it. Of course he would! The accuracy of it flies right in the face of his beliefs and he stubbornly refuses to correct that belief!

Believe me, in Australia I am after hate speech protection as well – and not just through what Walker is saying, but also adding the claim that vaccines cause Autism. There at least I know Mitchell agrees. Not that it’s hate speech but rather than it’s wrong. But that’s all I’ll give him! I called you a hater a long time ago, Bitchell, and I stand by it! And if it takes a jail term to make you see sense then that’s what needs to be done. Same goes for anyone else in the same boat.

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